Oblivion Console Commands Carry Weight

  • Jul 25, 2010 i assume u mean how much weight u can carry. How much weight you can carry before becoming over encumbered is determined by your strength. Player.setAV strength 900. Dont go over 900, you can glitch the game if you do.
  • Perhaps it would be better to console command stamina up and carry capacity follows. No, carryweight is it's own variable and the game simply adds to it when stamina is increased. I think 5 pts carry for every 10 stamina increase. Magical items that increase carryweight are added as a temporary modifier, a seperate variable.

Help- List console commands. Setweight XXX- Set the item's weight to XXX. After clearing out one of the many dungeons in Oblivion, you may wish to carry out more valuable loot, items.

Imagination is the tool that allows us to create stories in worlds as amazing as only it allows us . So it ends up being the most important source of inspiration that video games have and this is demonstrated with titles like The Elder Scrolls . A game that has such an extensive plot that it has to be developed in several installments. This time we will stop at the fourth of them to bring you the Oblivion Console Commands.

Regardless of whether you are familiar with the saga or if this ends up being your first interaction with it, by using these tricks you can make your life easier in a world as challenging as it is mysterious . But you’re not going to dampen your fun by exploring the secrets that are hidden in Oblivion .

What is Oblivion?

Before getting into all the Obilivion commands it is important, especially for those who have no experience in this saga, to know what The Elder Scrolls is about. </ Strong > Only in this way can we understand how important these tricks end up being to survive the adventure.

In this sense, we can qualify it as an open-world role-playing video game where we can experience, in the first person, a journey to collect objects, carry out missions and, obviously, fight against mythical and extremely dangerous creatures.

For this we will have an incredible arsenal of weapons and equipment capable enough to give us all the possibilities to survive. However, we also have the chance to constantly improve it as well as our skills. In other words, has all the characteristic features of a game of this genre.

However, the most important thing about Oblivion is the extraordinary sequence that provides an exquisite continuity to the story that has already been told in previous installments of The Elder Scrolls . So we have no doubt that upon entering this world, you will be able to live a one-of-a-kind adventure putting all your abilities to the test to solve mysteries and explore a world full of them.

What are Oblivion Console Commands?

It should be noted that you will not always come across missions or challenges that you can easily overcome. Although there is a way out for all of them, in Oblivion they are not so easy to find. Therefore, over the years certain tricks have been created that allow users to overcome these difficulties and not spend days trying to find their way.

Consequently, the Oblivion Console Commands were created as a series of traps or codes that will allow you to access a world of unique possibilities. For the romantics of video games who maintain the position of passing them without cheating, it could sound like an offense to the quality of the game. But The Elder Scrolls is characterized precisely by offering a level of difficulty so high that it never hurts to have an ally like the commands of each of its deliveries.

How do I activate the Oblivion Console Commands?

Now that we know what makes this game one of those that you have to try as well as the importance of having the Oblivion Console Commands to be able to survive the trip without going through so many problems. The time has come to begin to unravel the secrets of these tricks for our benefit.

In this sense, the first thing we must know is the correct way to execute them. The truth is that it ends up being as simple a process as pressing the tilde or Tab key (this will depend on the configuration of your keyboard).

With this we will be able to open the game console that will appear as a black box in one of the corners of the screen . Usually it always appears on the upper left edge. Once in it, we just have to start writing the Oblivion Console Commands that we will present to you below.

The Oblivion Console Commands

As you can see so far, there is no tedious or complicated procedure to be able to enjoy all the Oblivion Console Commands that we will begin to present to you immediately.


Increase the level with the level up screen.

advskill skill X

Forces a skill level to go up X levels.


Complete all stages of the mission.


The selected friend / enemy immediately ceases combat.

Click any human or creature, type “kill”

Instant deaths.

coc testinghall

Teleports the player to an area with all objects, monsters, and NPCs in the game.

coc toddtest

Teleports the player to the developer’s proving grounds.


Create a completely identical copy of the lens.


Delete the selected destination if it was a copy created with CreateFullActorCopy.

drop amount

Drops item.

Drop TypeREF Amount

An item drops the inventory of the selected target.

DuplicateAllItems DestinationObjREF

Copy target items and target ObjREF.


Equipment item.


Change the angle of your point of view (default is 75).

GetPos X

Displays the X coordinate of the target in the scene. Y and Z are also valid.

Player.GetPos X or “014” .GetPos X

Use it to find out where you are on the X axis.

hairtint (red / green / blue)

Change hair color.


Console command list.


Kill everything.

lock (1-100)

Lock the selected door or container.

lock (value)

Close a door.

Look ObjREF

The target looks at the referenced object.

ModDisposition ObjREF Amount

Modify the disposition of the character towards ObjREF.

modpca luck 100

Add 100 points to an attribute (here luck).

modpcs skill 100

Add 100 points to the skill.

MoveTo ObjREF

Move target to ObjREF.


Teleport to the mission objective.


Cell purge buffer. This will free up used memory.

PlaceAtMe id, number, X, Y

Spawn a creature, npc, or item.


Gives the player the given item and the quantity of the item.

player.AddItem 00000000 X

Gives you X quantity of the item 00000000 (use other hexadecimal combinations for items).

player.additem 0000000F X

Add X amount of gold.

player.AddSpell 00000000

Gives you the spell 00000000 (use other hex combinations for spells).


Delete active mission.


Place another “yourself” near you.


Kill you


The guards stop attacking you, the reward is paid.


Summon NPC.


Remove item year.


Remove the specified spell.


Increase (or decrease) the skill or attribute.

player.setcrimegold 0

Eliminate Bounty in your head.

player.setlevel 1

Change the player’s level to the desired number. Use 1-255.


Advance a specific mission to a specific stage.

pov (X)

Set the angle of the viewpoint (75 by default).

PRID Player

Select yourself as a target.


Add all spells to the player.


Exit the game without using the menus.


Remove all items from the target.


Resurrect target monster / human.

savegame (filename)

Save game.

set timescale to X

Set the speed at which time flows, X = 30 is the default.

SetActorFullName “John Doe”

Change the name of the character.

SetAV Aggression 100

The target attacks anyone they don’t like.

SetAV AValue Amount

Create some skill or ability (LightArmor, Aggression, Energy, Confidence, Responsibility).

SetBarterGold Amount

Set the amount of gold a merchant has to trade.

setcamerafov (degrees)

Set the camera’s field of view (75 by default).

SetCrimeGold 2000

Plant a bounty on the character’s head.

SetItemValue Amount

Set item price.


It gives you fame.


It gives you infamy.

SetPos X Value

Set the x coordinate of the target.

Oblivion console commands carry weight loss

setscale X

Resize the object, where X = 1 is regular .5 to 2 resizes.

setweight XXX

Set the item weight to XXX.


Change your gender.


Change your birth sign.


Show the sign selection screen.


Change your class.


Open the class selection screen.

showfullquestlog X

Discover all log entries for the indicated mission (use mission ID).


Open mission log.

showquestlog 0

Show current quest log.

showquestlog 1

Reveal completed quest log.


Expose current mission objectives.


Show name / race / appearance selection screen.


Force the spell creation screen.


Change the NPC conversation captions.


Oblivion console commands carry weight scales

Create a window with the full scene graphic of the game.


The character ceases the fight.


The target stops looking.


Toggle AI.


Substitute combat ai.


Change collision.


Toggle AI detection.


Vary debug display.


Free camera.

Oblivion console commands carry weight chart


Substitute full help.


Toggle fog of war.


Substitute grass.


God mode (enter without pointing).


Toggle LOD ground.


Vary sheets.


Hide all menus.

tmm (1,0)

Show the sign selection screen.


Toggle sky.


Toggle three.


Change wireframe mode.


Toggle water radius.


Vary water.

UnEquipItem TypeREF

Target deactivates an element of a certain type.


Unlock target object.

Latest recommendations on Oblivion Console Commands

To end our extensive tour of this guide where we present you all the Oblivion Console Commands that are available, we have decided to keep some final recommendations so that you can get the most out of these beneficial tricks.

The first of them is in relation to the protection of your game since it is prudent to make a constant backup of it . Primarily due to the fact that at some point, some of these tricks may fail causing a catastrophic error in the game that will lead you to lose all your progress since the last time you saved it.

Likewise, don’t worry if you enter the Oblivion Console Commands in uppercase or lowercase since the console will not distinguish between one and the other . So we concluded that they are so practical and beneficial tricks that you will always be tempted to use them.

However, we recommend that you follow all these tips in order to fully enjoy all Oblivion Console Commands without losing your game. Therefore, the only thing left for us to do in HDGamers is to invite you to start your adventure for The Elder Scrolls today and enjoy an incredible world in every way.

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Journalist and SEO specialist. A fan of videogames, especially the RPG and CityBuilder genres. Nakama.

Contact: ignacio.alfredo@hablamosdegamers.com

As far as modding and console commands go, Skyrim is by far one of the most feature-rich games out there. If you own it on PC, then playing around with mods and commands is a must.

There are so many Skyrim console commands that we frankly can’t fit them all into a single article. So, instead, we’ll focus on mentioning some of the most useful/fun ones instead.

That being said, let’s get right into it!

How to Enable the Console on Skyrim

The console should be automatically enabled on Skyrim. If not, chances are that you’ll find an option on the general settings menu.

Once you’re in-game, all that you need to do is press the “~” key and that should bring the console up. If that doesn’t work, try out the @ or “ buttons.

Before we start, it’s highly recommended to keep a separate save file and backups – just in case you end up breaking the game. It’s actually a fairly recurring theme. So, do keep that in mind.

General Commands and Cheats

Just some general commands that are fun and/or useful to play with.

tgm: God Mode. Disables damage, gives you unlimited health, unlimited Magicka, etc

tcl: Disables clipping which essentially allows you to freely walk through walls, mountains, and pretty much everything

unlock: Unlocks every targeted door regardless of the circumstances

psb: Gives you all the spells

player.adlevel: Gives you a level

caqs: Completes the current primary quest

showracemenu: Allows you to customize your character from the very beginning (We wouldn’t recommend doing that on your main playthrough)

player.modav skill [amount]: Increases the skill level of the specified skill (Just input the standard skill names except from Archery which translates to “Marksman” and Speech which translates to “Speechcraft”

player.additem [Item ID] [Amount]: Adds the specified item to your inventory. More on that later

addshout [Shout]: Gives you the specified shout. More on that alter

player.setcrimegold [Bounty]: Allows you set or remove a wanted level

movetoqt: Teleports you to the quest target

help: Lists all console commands

player.modav carryweight [Amount]: Increases your maximum weight carry limit

player.seav health [Amount]: Gives you more health

coc qasmoke: Teleports you into a room that has every single item in the game (You can leave the room by teleporting to another place by using coc [Desired Location])

sexchange: Changes your character’s gender

placeatme [Character/Creature ID]: Spawns creatures and characters on your location

moveto [Character ID]: Teleports you to the specified character location

setownership: Makes you the owner of the targeted item

setstage: Allows you go back and forth in quest stages

setscale: Sets your size from 0 to 10

setgs fjumpheightmin: Sets your jump height. Enable god mode to avoid getting killed from the drop

qqq: Immediately closes the game

AI and NPC console commands

These commands allow you to customize and mess with the AI and NPCs in a number of different ways.

tai: Enables and disables AI – meaning that you won’t be able to interact with NPCs

tcai: Enables and disables combat AI – meaning that nobody is going to fight you (Including dragons)

tdetect: NPCs won’t be able to detect you (Unless you attempt to hit or pickpocket them)

kill: Kills the targeted NPC

moveto [Character ID]: Teleports you to the specified character location

setrelationshiprank: Sets the relationship level between two NPCs. 4 (Maximum) is for lovers and -4 (Lowest) is for sworn enemies

addtofaction: Adds an NPC to a faction. Apart from the Stormcloaks and the Imperials, you can also use “0005C84D” for turning a character into a potential follower and “00019809” for turning them into a potential spouse. Though, do keep in mind that this only seems to work with characters who shame the common voices – meaning that it won’t work on someone like Tullius

disable: Eradicates the NPC’s presence – even if they are still there. They are still there, but they can’t interact with the world – meaning that they’ll walk through walls, get ignored by other NPCs, etc

enable: Reverses the “disable” command. Do keep in mind that enabling and disabling a character resets them to your current level

setessential: Transforms any NPC into an essential character – meaning that they won’t be able to die

setscale [Size]: Can also be used on NPCs to make them smaller or bigger (Size is 0 to 10]

ressurect: Resurrects the targeted NPC – aka, bringing them back to life. I swear we didn’t mean to kill you Lydia

removeallitems: Removes everything that the targeted character has equipped; including clothes or armor, and gives them to you

Camera, UI, and Time Commands

These commands allow you to play with various different aspects of the game

tm: Disables every UI element, including the console. So, you’ll have to reverse the command blindly

tmm [0] or [1]: Turns all markers on or off

tfc: Free cam mode (Flycam)

set timescale to [Amount]: Sets the flow of time (20 is the default value)

fov: Sets your field of view (FOV)

tfow: Turns off the fog of war on the local map

Graphical Commands

These commands allow you to turn off specific elements of Skyrim’s world. That’s perfect for people who are playing on a low-end PC and want to get a bit of extra performance quickly and easily.

tg: Disables or enables grass

tt: Disables or enables trees

tws: Water

twf: Framework border

ts: Skybox and fog effects

tll: Level of detail

teofis: Image settings/effects such as blur

tscr: Script processing

Weapon Commands

Skyrim offers a ton of different weapons. Some of them are much better than others, but they are also much harder to find. Thankfully, you can use console commands to add any weapon you want to your inventory.

player.additem 00079B1D: Blade of Sacrifice

player.additem 000240D2: Mehrune’s Razor

player.additem 0009CCDC: Blade of Woe

player.additem 000139AE: Ebony Dagger

player.additem 0003B0BD: Lunar Steel Sword

player.additem 000AB703: Red Eagle’s Bane

player.additem 000F5D2D: The Pale Blade

player.additem 0004E4EE: Dawnbreaker

player.additem 000F6527: Nightingale Blade

player.additem 0009FD50: Red Eagle’s Fury

player.additem 000139AF: Ebony Greatsword

player.additem 94A2B: Ghostblade

player.additem 8ADFC: Ceremonial Sword

Oblivion Console Commands

If you need the full list, check out the Wiki page that contains all of the codes for every weapon in the game.

Armor Commands

Defense is just as important as offense. And while we’ve got plenty of access to armor in the base game, some pieces are extremely hard to find. Here are some of them.

player.additem 0001393E: Dragonscale Armor

player.additem 0001393D: Dragonscale Boots

player.additem 0001393F: Dragonscale Gauntlets

player.additem 00013940: Dragonscale Helmets

player.additem 00013941: Dragonscale Shield

player.additem 000FCC0F: Nightingale Armor

player.additem 000FCC0D: Nightingale Boots

player.additem 000FCC11: Nightingale Gloves

player.additem 000FCC12: Nightingale Hood

Oblivion Console Commands Carry Weight Loss

player.additem 000D3EA0: Penitus Oculatus Armor

player.additem 000D3EA7: Penitus Oculatus Boots

Oblivion Console Commands Carry Weight Bench

player.additem 000D3EAB: Penitus Oculatus Bracers

player.additem 000D3EAA: Penitus Oculatus Helmet

player.additem 00061CB9: Krosis Mask

player.additem 00061C8B: Morokei Mask

player.additem 00061CAB: Volsung Mask

player.additem 00061CCA: Wooden Mask

player.additem 00061CC1: Hevnoraak’s Mask

player.additem 00061CD6: Konahrik’s Mask

player.additem 00061CA5: Nahkriin’s Mask

player.additem 00061CC2: Otar’s Mask

Oblivion Console Commands Carry Weight Lifting

player.additem 00061CC0: Rahgot’s Mask

player.additem 00061CC9: Vokun’s Mask

player.additem 00013961: Ebony Armor

Unlimited weight skyrim

player.additem 00013960: Ebony Boots

player.additem 00013962: Ebony Gauntlets

player.additem 00013963: Ebony Helmet

player.additem 00013964: Ebony Shield

player.additem 00013966: Dragonplate Armor

player.additem 00013965: Dragonplate Boots

player.additem 00013967: Dragonplate Gauntlets

player.additem 00013969: Dragonplate Helmet

player.additem 00013968: Dragonplate Shield

Oblivion Console Commands Carry Weight

player.additem 0005CBFE: General Tullius’ Armor

Oblivion Cheats

If you want the full list, check out the Skyrim wiki page for all the armor codes.

Wrapping Up

That’s about it for now. Again, if you want the full list of item IDs, it can easily be found on Fandom or by using Skyrim’s help command.

Oblivion Console Commands Carry Weight

If you think that we forgot to mention an important command, then you can let us know about it in the comments section.

And seriously, do keep a separate backup of the game. There was a time when we completely broke it and lots of things wouldn’t work because of some sort of conflict between mods and certain commands. That eradicated 120 hours of progress, so, yeah – keep backups.