Erasmus De Copia Pdf

Erasmus De Copia Pdf

ERASMUS CHARTER FOR HIGHER EDUCATION 2014 The European Commission hereby awards this Charter to: INS SANTA COLOMA DE FARNERS -2020 The Institution undertakes to respect the following principles: Respect in full the pnnctples of non discrtmtnatton set out tn the Programme and ensure equal access. Chapter (PDF Available). 42 In the De copia, Erasmus specifically notes the usefulness of including. Gestures with characters. 43 The teaching of actio was integral to the use of. Prices in GBP apply to orders placed in Great Britain only. Prices in € represent the retail prices valid in Germany (unless otherwise indicated). Prices are subject to change without notice. Prices do not include postage and handling if applicable. Free shipping for non-business customers when ordering books at De Gruyter Online.

Erasmus, “Copia” Micro Sum

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Erasmus – Copia: Foundations of the Abundant Style

In Copia Erasmus has two books the first is, “Abundance of Expression” in which he states, “The speech of man is a magnificent and impressive thing when it surges along like a golden river, with thoughts and word pouring out in rich abundance. Yet the pursuit of speech like this involves considerable risk.” He states that he has, “put forward some ideas on copia, the abundant style”, and, “treating its two aspects of content and expression, and giving some examples and patterns.” (rt 597)

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Under the heading of invention and practice he states that Cicero was, “the great father of all eloquence” and that copia is twofold, “richness of expression involves synonyms” and “richness of subject matter involves the assembling”. These are, “two aspects are so interconnected in reality that one cannot easily separate one from the other”. The advantages of studying this subject includes, “exercise in expressing oneself in different ways will be of considerable importance in general for the acquisition of style.” (598) In pursuit of this goal, “One should collect a vast supply of words like this from all sides out of good authors, provide oneself with varied equipment.” (599)

He then discusses the use of different classes of words which include vulgar, unusual, poetic, archaic, obsolete harsh foreign, indecent, and new words. After which he states, “No Latin expression can approach the charm of a Greek one in which we allude to a passage of remark of some author” and that, “we are justified in mixing Greek with Latin, especially when writing for the educated public.” (604)

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Erasmus goes into his famous copia example has he “take(s) this sentence: Your letter pleased me mightily” and writes it in many different ways exampled by, “As my eye fell on your letter, an incredible tide of joy swelled in my breast.” at the end of which he reminds the reader that, “this exercise is designed for the composition of verse as well.” (607-9)

Erasmus De Copia Pdf

From here he shifts to, “Abundance of Subject Matter” and states, “the first method on enriching what one has to say on any subject is to take something that can be expressed in brief and general terms, and expand it and separate it” (609) One can do this by, “hav(ing) the general statement at the beginning, and then take it up again in a different form of words”. (610) The second method is, “rehearse in detail everything which led up to the final result.” and he continues with, “The ninth method consists of amplification or building up” and “the opposite method to this is comparison” in which, “its effect by starting from something less striking.” (611-2) “The second method of amplification uses the rhetorical figure know as inference” and yet, “another method of build-up is the piling up of words and phrases meaning the same thing.” “The tenth method of expansion depends on inventing as many propositions as possible.” (613) “The eleventh method of enriching our style depends on the accumulation of proofs and arguments” and, “proofs fall into two classes invented or artificial proofs, and given proofs” and as for arguments they, “can be likely, possible, and not impossible.” (614-5)

He most to illustrative examples in which he says, “A most effective means of making what we are saying convincing and of generation copia at the same time is to be found in illustrative examples” (616) One should use variety, and, “derived (illustrations) not only from whole range of Greek an d Latin literature, but also from history” (616) He describes the use of, examples, judgments, maxims, elaboration, and scriptural allegories.

He concludes this book with, “No discipline is so remote from rhetoric that you cannot use it to enrich your collection” and he desires students to, “flit like a busy bee through the entire garden of literature, will light on every blossom, collect a little nectar from each, and carry it to his hive.” (622-3) He give example in Socrates. He finishes with, “One can even twist material to serve the opposite purpose” for, “Only senseless rocks and the brute earth do not move.” in there thinking and rhetoric. (627)

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